
Staying Safe in Bear Country: Part 1

Part one of a video series on staying safe in bear country, produced by the Alaska Public Lands Information Center in Fairbanks, Alaska.

(Produced by Alaska Explorer)

Visit their website to learn more about backcountry recreation in Alaska and here's a few more posts I've done on bear safety.


  1. Hey Josh,
    Thanks for the video, looking forward to part II. You must have been monitoring my dreams in the outdoors. I have been pulled from my tent by a bear at night in my dreams on several occasions!

  2. Looking at this (very good) video makes me think.
    Does bear spray work on moose too???

    / Karl

  3. Yes, Karl, it actually works on any lunged animal, although I haven't found much on its effectiveness. I would and do trust it, though, myself.

  4. One of the dangers of camping: bears! In my years as a camper, I've had my brushes with these magnificent creatures and it was quite an experience. Lessons learned: be proactive and be informed of the environment where you're setting up camp; learn the tips and tricks in how to survive a bear attack. Also make sure you have a weapon of some kind and learn the fact from fiction about how bears react. For useful and eye-opening information, go to this great link http://backpackingmastery.com/skills/how-to-survive-a-bear-attack.html


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