
2012: To Do Before The End

Supposedly, the world is going to end this year. If nothing else, it's a good motivator and excuse to get out more in 2012.
Here's my 'O-12' resolutions...

1.  Workout at least three times per week. I'm going to keep it easily obtainable in counting just about any real physical, recreational activity: bike commuting, skiing, push-ups, or even chasing down my dog team after they rip the snowhook out, although I hope to not do too much of that.

2.  Reduce my debt significantly. School loans, car payment, etc. Can't do it in one year, but I can do a lot.

3.  Ski a 100+ mile off-trail route. Hopefully, this one. I just built an Incredible Rulk for it.

4.  Do another 100 mile winter route on my fatbike in under 24 hours.

5.  Do a 50 mile hike in 24 hours. Keeping a two mile per hour pace should keep it achievable. After that, do a 100 mile hike in 48 hours.

6.  Do a 200 mile hike off-trail in Alaska. Probably crossing or traversing one of the ranges: Brooks, Alaska, or Wrangells.

7.  Write more, both on here and for other entities, both web and printed. Writing was a hit in 2011. I'll try to do more this year.

8.  Put out more gear reviews. This falls under number seven, but it's a little more specific.

9.  Catch some caribou again and haul them out with my dogteam. This would be a very fulfilling experience.

10.  Reduce my Alaska summer basepack weight to under 10 lbs. I'm pretty much there already, but need to refine and test it.

This should give me enough things to shoot for this year. Thanks for tuning in.


  1. A pretty commendale to-do list Josh. Looking forward to seeing how it pans out for you. I'm on my second incarnation of the Incredible Rulk. The sled is the same as the one Jorgen and I used last winter but I've simplified the harness and will use a lighter belt. I also removed the 'pussy leash' (that old piece of thick cord I would dump under the front of the Rulk to slow it down) in favour of continuing to always trying to ski faster than it!

  2. LOL. Faster is always better, except sometimes ;)
    I'm really stuck on the belt and cord to the sled parts. I'd love to see what you've done after hundreds of miles, er, kilometers, of testing. Thanks, Joe!

  3. Not being able to ski I am lost to what you and Joe are on about. Nice list of to do things. So what is the kit list for that 10lb summer base weight?

  4. Ha, I'm wondering what it is, too! Without the warm summer weather, I haven't had much incentive to get it dialed in, plus, I can't really test the system now, either. I can say it's heavily influenced by what worked for the guys on the Arctic 1000. I've used a similar style the past two years in Alaska and I like it. Now, it's just been getting lighter stuff and leaving other things at home.
    Here's a general breakdown:
    BD RPM/GoLite Peak, torso Z-Lite, 1/2 zip Marmot Hydrogen, NanoPuff Hoody, Marmot Esssence shell, OR Zealot shell pants, mitten shells, and a 3-4oz FAK.
    I have a GoLite SL3, which I'd like to get something lighter. I'm still torn on stoves/fuel... alcohol or esbit, essentially. Then, what alchohol stove?
    Lots of ideas, just waiting for spring to test it all. Really, though, it's a summer project. When I get it dialed, I'll definitely throw up a post on the SYSTEM, not the list.

  5. JOSH! Awesome list! I just stumbled across your blog and love it! The gear reviews are incredibly helpful, and I appreciate the time you put into this! Wow. Well, I live in Fairbanks, too!! I can't believe I haven't run into you all this time, but I live in a cabin outside of town. I used to commute via bike a ton and have a Mukluk Fat bike now which is neat. I did the Su 100 a couple years ago...good times. Are you doing the White Mt 100? Jeff Oatley is one of my friends...cool guy. Anyway, my email is crudepirate@hotmail.com 2012 is going KICK BOOTY!


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